A Humanist Wedding Ceremony offers:
If these sound appealing, give me a shout to chat through options, packages and ideas - I am so excited to hear from you,
D❤t x
- Complete choice in every detail with...
- a non-religious approach to...
- have your own unique wedding in the location of your choice.
- A determination to support your decisions, choices and plan for your perfect wedding.
- The reassurance and legality of my (professional and thorough) Humanist UK accreditation.
- Nearly 30 years experience as a public speaker, facilitator and host (I have been a self-employed Learning & Development Coach and Facilitator).
- A network of wedding suppliers from The Garden Across the Road - Wedding and photography venue near Ballymena.
- A library of resources to support your wedding, from props, staging items to music, reading and symbolic gesture ideas.
- An open, inventive, inclusive, caring and enthusiastic mind itching to help you craft your Perfect Wedding.
- An enthusiasm to craft, invent and deliver the ceremony you want at your ideal location.
- Woodland Wedding ceremonies
- Garden Ceremonies
- Outdoor space for marquee wedding ceremonies
If these sound appealing, give me a shout to chat through options, packages and ideas - I am so excited to hear from you,
D❤t x
Together is a beautiful place to be